Liam Gallagher is a little nuts

Ok, maybe a lot nuts. This Sacha Baron Cohen story about the insane and drunk Liam Gallagher is hilarious.

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Drunk doctor chick goes crazy on Uber driver

This is hilarious, and the story gets even weirder as the nutty Indian woman in this video is a a neurology resident at Jackson Memorial Medical Center in Miami. Someone just ruined her career!

Party like a rich stock broker

The debauchery of “The Wolf of Wall Street” has gotten men all over the world all geared up to party like a rock star, or a stock broker with millions to burn. Of course that’s unrealistic on a daily basis, but this is why places like Las Vegas and sites like Models Escort Agency and Select Sydney Escorts are so popular. Guys want the booze, babes and parties. We want to live the fanatsy! That’s who we are, and it’s even more true of the poor sap with the chubby wife and three ungrateful kids.

OK, that might be stretching the desperation of most married men, but all guys love a good party and hot babes. We all want a gorgeous blonde like Margot Robbie to party with and to be our girl toy in a penthouse hotel suite. That’s the fantasy, and as much as movies like this offer a good story, great directors like Martin Scorcese understand that the excesses in this film are the main attraction. Of course he knows to work with great and charismatice actors like Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, but he certainly doesn’t skimp on the scenes where they’re partying like maniacs with escorts and party babes. The eye candy in this movie is incredible, only outdone by the number of F-bombs being thrown around. It’s enough to make “Scarface” seem like a family movie!

This looks like a real star turn for Margot Robbie as well, as she’s much more than just a drop-dead gorgeous blonde. She has talent and charisma as well, and she’s on her way to serious sex symblo status if she plays her cards right and keeps taking good roles.

As for Leo, he’s up for an academy award for this film, and he’s very deserving of getting one. I think he’s underrated as an actor. But he’s also known for enjoying the good life, so at least in the party scenes, did he even have to act? The guy is surrounded by willing hotties all the time!

So we probably can’t replicate the wolf’a life from the movie, and certainly not Leo’s life, but we can fantacize about it, and when the time and place are right, we can dive right in . . . at least for a booze and babes filled weekend!

Bear Eats Murderer

A bear ate the corpse of a convicted killer in a wooded area of Canada, according to authorities. The mauled body of Rory Nelson Wagner, 53, was found in a rural area in southern British Columbia on Wednesday evening, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.

The police believe that the bear (not Yogi) dragged the already dead corpse of Wagner out of his vehicle for his pic-ci-nic lunch. Alcohol & drug paraphernalia was found in the car.

Wagner and two other people were charged with the 1993 killing of a man they thought had sexually assaulted a relative, CNN affiliate CTV reported. The man they killed was found not guilty of sexual assault charges, according to the affiliate. Wagner was convicted for the murder, but he had been on parole.

In an ironic twist of fate, the bear also may be shot & killed now that he has developed a taste for human.

Me: Blue Hair You: Red Mohawk Us: Created Child At Megadeath Concert

..or so the Craig’s List post basically went.

“Me: Blue hair, silver tube top, fishnets, Knee high black biker boots.
You: Red mohawk, black pentagram gauges, viper piercings.
I was grinding on you in the pit, then we went to the bathroom, and got f***ed up. You had a nice c**k and I was wasted so I let [you] raw dog it in the stall. You were really good and you had to gag me so I would make too much noise.
Anyway I’m pregnant. It’s yours. contact me if you want to be part of your child’s life.”

Turns out: it was a mostly harmless hoax.

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