Trump the loser

Fat boy Donald Trump likes making excuses. This cartoon is hilarious.

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Online Dating Guide

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You've got to brush up on your game to get the girl! Find your hookups with this online dating guide.

Dumb and Dumber

Donald Trump endorsed by Sarah Palin.

Conservatives slobber over Putin

Conservatives hate President Obama so much that they’re tripping over themselves fawning over Vladimir Putin. Suddenly, being a dictator is cool as long as you’re somehow causing trouble while Obama is president.

The stupidity of this Putin fetish is embarrassing. Somehow it’s Obama’s fault that Putin invaded Crimea, though Putin also invaded Georgia when the great invader Beorge W. Bush was in office.

Of course Jon Stewart has plenty of fun with this, pointing out the hypocrisy of Republicans who were recently calling Obama a bully and a imperial president over Obamacare on now trying to paint him as weak.


Idiot politicians predict end of times

Who’s the bigger idiot – Michele Bachmann or Antonin Scalia. Watch this Bill Maher video and then make up your mind. It’s not as easy of a decision as you might think!

Congratulations to Miss America Nina Davuluri

Here’s the beautiful Nina Davuluri from her Twiiter account. Unfortunately, there were a ton of idiots on Twitter making racial comments about this Indian-American beauty. Some of the more idiotic tweets called her an Arab or a terrorist.

Fortunately, Buzzfeed called out some of the asinine tweets.

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