Tiger Woods latest update

The Tiger Woods story keeps getting more bizarre. Yesterday, Health Central Hospital in Orlando, Florida was back as part of the story as Elin Nordegren’s mother was taken to the hospital. She has since been released, but the entire episode just added to the media frenzy surrounding this story. It also brings the spotlight back to Tiger’s home situation. Will Elin be leaving Tiger soon to escape back to Sweden? There’s also speculation that Tiger and Elin may escape nearer to Sweden together.

Meanwhile, Steve Lewis has a devastating post describing what really happens in the VIP world frequented by Tiger and his alleged mistress Rachel Uchitel. Lewis explains the world dominated by bottle service, VIP hostesses and the special attention and services provided to whales and VIP athletes. Needless to say, facilitating access to hot girls is the top priority.

Finally, we’re starting to see cracks in the Tiger Woods marketing machine. Gatorade announced that they had discontinued a Tiger drink, though they claim the decision had been made before the controversy. Also, reports say that most Tiger commercials have been pulled from the air since the beginning of the month. That’s not a surprise.

What’s next?

The problem for Tiger Woods is that he’s now a punch line, and the sponsors hate that. George Lopez had a field day last night in his monologue. He’s focused on the tag lines used by Tiger’s sponsors and how they now have a new meaning with the scandal. Accenture says “Be a Tiger.” Nike says “Just Do it.” And, the best one is Gatorade which says “Is It In You?” Ouch! Check out the hilarious clip of Lopez above.

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The Tiger Woods saga: New woman claims affair with Tiger

US Weekly is reporting that a cocktail waitress from Los Angeles is claiming to have had an affair with Tiger Woods.

A Los Angeles cocktail waitress tells the new Us Weekly (on newsstands Wednesday) that she had a steamy 31-month fling with Tiger Woods and has a voicemail recording and text messages to prove it.

Jaimee Grubbs, now 24, tells Us Weekly she began having an affair with Woods, 33, in April 2007.

She tells Us Weekly they went on to have 20 sexual encounters.

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised to hear more stories like this. As with the Rachel Uchitel alleged affair, who know what to believe here. Needless to say this has all become a PR nightmare for Tiger Woods, one of the most bankable sports figures in history.

The difference here is that we have a woman who is claiming she had an affair with Tiger, as opposed to the Uchitel story where others are claiming an affair took place, with Uchitel denying it.


UPDATE: SPORTSbyBROOKS is on the case again with two new photos of Jaimee Grubbs.

Rachel Uchitel photos

Unless you’ve been in a drunken stupor over Thanksgiving weekend, you’ve heard about socialite Rachel Uchitel. The National Enquirer alleged over the weekend that Rachel Uchitel was having an affair with Tiger Woods, yet she’s denied it. After that allegation surfaced, Tiger Woods was involved in a bizarre car accident and many are speculating that the accident followed a confrontation with his wife, Elin Nordegren. The initial story about the accident seemed very peculiar, so the speculation is warranted, particularly since Tiger is now refusing to speak to the police. Did Elin Nordegren cause Tiger’s injuries during a confrontation? We have no idea and it will be interesting to see if the true story ever emerges.

Meanwhile, Rachel Uchitel is all the rage. SPORTSbyBROOKS has been all over this story and has published numerous photos of Rachel.

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