Best Bernie memes
Posted by Bluto (01/23/2021 @ 4:35 pm)
These are hilarious . . .
Janet loves her some Bernie mittens 🙂
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2011 Internet Memes
Posted by Yendi (02/16/2012 @ 2:23 am)
50 Top Internet memes of last year…in case you missed them.
Posted in: Alcohol, Annoying Couples, Binge Drinking, Bizarre, Celebrity Videos, Computers, Cool, Crazy Videos, Disturbing, Dumb Celebrities, Dumb Politicians, Friggin' Funny, Funny Pictures, Funny Videos, FYI, Geeks & Freaks, Hotties, Idiot, Jokes, Lunatic Fringe, Movies, music, No Shit, Pranks, Quotes, sex humor, Technology, TV, Vices
Tags: Charlie Sheen and #WINNING, chuck testa, Conan, Harmless Scout Leader, hipster Disney memes, Megyn Kelly esentially, Meme, memes, Nigel Thornberry, Nope, Nyan Cat, owling, Paula Deen riding things, Pepper Spray Cop, planking, poptart cat, Ragefaces, Rapture Bombing, Rebecca Black, Schrute Facts, scumbag anything & everything, Tebowing