Conservatives slobber over Putin

Conservatives hate President Obama so much that they’re tripping over themselves fawning over Vladimir Putin. Suddenly, being a dictator is cool as long as you’re somehow causing trouble while Obama is president.

The stupidity of this Putin fetish is embarrassing. Somehow it’s Obama’s fault that Putin invaded Crimea, though Putin also invaded Georgia when the great invader Beorge W. Bush was in office.

Of course Jon Stewart has plenty of fun with this, pointing out the hypocrisy of Republicans who were recently calling Obama a bully and a imperial president over Obamacare on now trying to paint him as weak.


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Information Blitzkreig

Did TWITTER cost McChrystal his command? Information traveled so quickly that (supposedly)Obama had no other choice but to relieve him.

A stronger, more self-confident president would have given Gen McChrystal a public roasting, then told him in as many words to get on with the job and keep his mouth shut in future.

-The BBC’s John Simpson

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