How Theaters SHOULD Be Designed
Posted by Yendi (06/28/2012 @ 2:26 am)
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Barack Sings Bieber’s ‘Boyfriend’
Posted by Yendi (06/27/2012 @ 2:57 am)
Posted in: Art, Bizarre, Celebrity Videos, Cool, Dumb Celebrities, Dumb Politicians, Friggin' Funny, Funny Videos, gadgets, music, Music Videos, Sexy Celebrities, Technology
Tags: Barack sings Bieber, Barack sings Boyfriend, boyfriend, Justin Beiber, President Obama, song dub, song parody
Science Gets Burned By Prometheus
Posted by Yendi (06/22/2012 @ 10:28 pm)
Hollywood is interested in telling a story, and if scientific accuracy gets in the way, well, it’s getting run right over.

Awesome Bat Man Cosplay Pics
Posted by Yendi (06/22/2012 @ 9:36 pm)
Posted in: Art, Cool, Dumb, Dumb Celebrities, Friggin' Funny, Funny Pictures, Geeks & Freaks, Lunatic Fringe, Movies
Tags: Arkham Asylum, Bat man, Bat man cosplay, bat man costume, Batgirl, Catwoman, Clay Bennett, comic book heroes, comic con, cosplay, DC Comics, Freeze, Gotham, Harley Quin, Harvey Two-Face, Poison Ivy, scarecrow, The Joker, The Penguin & The Riddler
Naked Artsy Shia LaBeouf
Posted by Yendi (06/18/2012 @ 9:17 pm) some artsy weird-ass crap. Two words: Man Scape. Start with that scraggly pony tail and work your way on downward Shia.
If you can hang on five minutes or so, you can watch him magic marker some chick’s boobs. Shoot me. That was eight minutes and 32 seconds that I can never get back.