‘Dessert’ With Breakfast Boosts Weight Loss: Study
Posted by Yendi (06/30/2012 @ 11:05 pm)
Starting your morning with a high-protein food and a “dessert” — such as a doughnut or a slice of cake — may help you lose weight and keep it off, a new study suggests. True? Who can say? But, I am willing to volunteer to test that theory!
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Posted in: Bizarre , Cool , Dumb , Friggin' Funny , FYI , Health & Fitness , Lucky , Lunatic Fringe , No Shit , weird science
Tags: dessert with breakfast , dessert with breakfast diet , eat doughnuts with scrambled eggs and lose weight hooray , high protein high carb breakfast , i don't believe it but I like this diet idea , the scientists who say breakfast with dessert is OK , weight loss
Science Gets Burned By Prometheus
Posted by Yendi (06/22/2012 @ 10:28 pm)
Hollywood is interested in telling a story, and if scientific accuracy gets in the way, well, it’s getting run right over .
Posted in: Art , Bizarre , Cool , Disturbing , FYI , Geeks & Freaks , Movies , Reviews , Sign of the Apocalypse , Technology , weird science
Tags: arstechnica.com , Hollywood ditches Science for storyline , no facts interfering with this fiction , no scientific accuracy in Hollywood , Prometheus , Ridley Scott , science , Science and Hollywood , Scientific literacy
Freaky Horror Movie Quotes
Posted by Yendi (06/14/2012 @ 6:00 am)
Posted in: Art , Bizarre , Cool , Crazy Videos , Disturbing , Geeks & Freaks , Lunatic Fringe , Movies , No Shit , Ouch! , Sign of the Apocalypse , TV , weird science
Tags: 2001: A Space Odyssey , American Psycho , American Puritanism , Black Christmas (1974) , Black Sunday , Bruce Campbell's Army of Darkness quips , candyman , Carrie , chainsaw , clown , Deliverance , dracula , evil dead , favorite horror movie quotes , film scenes , give yourself a good scare , Halloween , harry hanrahan , Hellraiser , hellrasier , horror movie quotes , Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) , IT , jaws , mirror , movie quotes , Night of the Living Dead , Peeping Tom , Pet Sematary , Poltergeist , Psycho , scary , scream , Se7en , Session 9 , slasher , supercut , texas chainsaw massacre , The Devil’s Rejects , The Evil Dead , the fly , The Haunting (1963) , The Hitcher (1986) , The Lost Boys , The Mist , the omen , the shining , The Thing , The Wicker Man (1973) , Them! (1954) , threats , When a Stranger Calls (1979) , YouTube , youtube.com
Magic Beans
Posted by Yendi (06/09/2012 @ 12:11 am)
Looking for a last minute gift for Dad ? Check out Coffee Joulies . Pour your coffee and forty seconds later it is drinkable.
Magic beans that cool your coffee to the right temperature 3x faster and then keep it there longer. Made in USA from 85% recycled stainless steel using hydro power from Niagara Falls.
Posted in: Cool , Funny Videos , FYI , gadgets , Geeks & Freaks , weird science
Tags: coffee bean-shaped items that maintain temperature , coffee joulies , commuter gift , gift for college student , gift for Dad , gift for mom , joulies.com , kickstarter.com , Shopify Build-a-Business Contest , stainless steel magic coffee beans , temperature "beans" for coffee , thermodynamics at work
Recovered Harley To Be Used As Memorial
Posted by Yendi (05/30/2012 @ 2:15 am)
A Harley-Davidson that was swept out to sea during the Japanese earthquake and tsunami last March and then discovered over a year later in Canada will be used to memorialize the victims of the tragic event. Harley-Davidson had initially offered to ship the bike back to Yokoyama, but the Japanese man who lost three members of his family and his home in the natural disaster requested it be preserved as a memorial and a reminder of the tragic event.