Freaky Horror Movie Quotes
Posted by Yendi (06/14/2012 @ 6:00 am)
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Posted in: Art, Bizarre, Cool, Crazy Videos, Disturbing, Geeks & Freaks, Lunatic Fringe, Movies, No Shit, Ouch!, Sign of the Apocalypse, TV, weird science
Tags: 2001: A Space Odyssey, American Psycho, American Puritanism, Black Christmas (1974), Black Sunday, Bruce Campbell's Army of Darkness quips, candyman, Carrie, chainsaw, clown, Deliverance, dracula, evil dead, favorite horror movie quotes, film scenes, give yourself a good scare, Halloween, harry hanrahan, Hellraiser, hellrasier, horror movie quotes, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), IT, jaws, mirror, movie quotes, Night of the Living Dead, Peeping Tom, Pet Sematary, Poltergeist, Psycho, scary, scream, Se7en, Session 9, slasher, supercut, texas chainsaw massacre, The Devil’s Rejects, The Evil Dead, the fly, The Haunting (1963), The Hitcher (1986), The Lost Boys, The Mist, the omen, the shining, The Thing, The Wicker Man (1973), Them! (1954), threats, When a Stranger Calls (1979), YouTube,