The Most Ridiculous Comic Book Resurrections
Posted by Yendi (06/28/2012 @ 1:01 am)
For superheroes, returns to the world of the living range from triumphant to shockingly dumb to outright ridiculous. Here are the 7 most ridiculous resurrections in comic book history.
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Posted in: Bizarre , Disturbing , Dumb , Dumb Celebrities , Friggin' Funny , Funny Pictures , FYI , Geeks & Freaks , Idiot , Insults , Jokes , Lunatic Fringe , Reviews
Tags: comic book heroes , Dan Abromowitz , , Green Lantern/Hal Jordan , Jason Todd/Bucky , Jean Grey/Phoenix , Peter's Aunt May , superheros , Superman , The Dorklyst , The FLash/Barry Allen , X2's Dough Ramsey
Science Gets Burned By Prometheus
Posted by Yendi (06/22/2012 @ 10:28 pm)
Hollywood is interested in telling a story, and if scientific accuracy gets in the way, well, it’s getting run right over .
Peek At MS Surface Tablet Offering
Posted by Yendi (06/18/2012 @ 11:14 pm)
A quick look at Microsoft’s competitive offerings in the iTablet field. VIDEO First look review:
Kindle Fire Over iPad?
Posted by Yendi (03/31/2012 @ 3:52 pm)
Say it ain’t so. But maybe, for the general user, it may be every bit as good for only a third the price. An iPhone owner and Cnet reviewer tells why it is worth considering.
Game Technology Allows Unlimited Detail
Posted by Yendi (01/06/2012 @ 2:18 am)
Now, if you are even remotely aware of what it takes to create graphic image in fine detail..this will BLOW YOUR MIND.
Posted in: Art , Computers , Cool , FYI , gadgets , Gaming , Geeks & Freaks , No Shit , Reviews , Technology , Videos , weird science
Tags: atom technology , Euclideon , gaming graphics , mind boggling graphics , new graphics technology , polygon vs atom graphics