Lara Croft Tomb Raider – E3 2012 Exclusive Crossroads Trailer

Tomb Raider: Crossroads and the rebirth of the ultimate gaming heroine

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The Last Of Us

Just released photos of busts from the hotly anticipated PS3 platform’s “The Last of Us”, a survival action game premised on a population decimated by a modern plague. Horrifically, deliciously gross! Rated M for Mature.
The Last Of Us

Buggy, But Awesome

FALLOUT: New Vegas out in North American stores today.

Eurogamer commented that “Obsidian has created a totally compelling world and its frustrations pale into insignificance compared to the immersive, obsessive experience on offer. Just like the scorched scenery that provides its epic backdrop, New Vegas is huge and sprawling, sometimes gaudy, even downright ugly at times – but always effortlessly, shamelessly entertaining.

Giant Bomb’s Jeff Gerstmann reviewed Fallout: New Vegas for the Xbox 360 positively, despite its many crash bugs and glitches. “When I reflect on the experience, I’ll probably think about the times the game locked up on me or broke in a dozen other crazy ways first, before thinking about the great world and the objectives that fill it. If you were able to look past the issues that plagued Fallout 3 and Oblivion before it, New Vegas will eventually show you a real good time.”

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