Lara Croft Tomb Raider – E3 2012 Exclusive Crossroads Trailer

Tomb Raider: Crossroads and the rebirth of the ultimate gaming heroine

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Online Dating Guide

Improve your game today!

You've got to brush up on your game to get the girl! Find your hookups with this online dating guide.

The Last Of Us

Just released photos of busts from the hotly anticipated PS3 platform’s “The Last of Us”, a survival action game premised on a population decimated by a modern plague. Horrifically, deliciously gross! Rated M for Mature.
The Last Of Us

Doctor Who Console Games

Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock, a new game in the works at Supermassive Games based on the British television series coming to Windows PC, PlayStation 3 and Vita. The Eternity Clock will immerse gamers in the universe of Doctor Who, allowing them to take on the role of the Doctor and River Song as they travel across time and space to save the Earth. Gamers must learn to master the complexities of time travel with exceptional time based game play, changes made in one time will impact another creating multiple possibilities and challenging players to solve puzzles across the centuries.

The Escapist Reviews Skyrim

NSFW. The Escapist reviews the latest and hottest from Bethesda Game Studios.


DC Universe online is now free to play on PCs!

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